Voice Actor Needed! - HECU SOLDIER

Absolutely, I’d like to know how to improve the dialog in that regard.

I’m not actually in the armed services, but I’ve done a fair amount of research since much of my written work involves military or mercenary services. There are others on the forum (I think elevenbravo?) who are/were active duty, so perhaps we could enlist their aid, too.

Just a question. Will those who are selected get compensated when the steam version is released?

You could try PM’ing The Javid incase he hasn’t seen this. He’s experienced with military lingo, and he’s at least somewhat active (last online yesterday).

I’ll throw my hat in. If I do get it, it would be a nice thing to put on my resume

I’m in the service and would be happy to help with dialogue. I’m not in the infantry, but I still went through a lot of combat training before I deployed to Afghanistan. elevenbravo probably knows more of the lingo (11B’s being the army infantry). In case you can’t contact him, or want another person helping, I’m here. Feel free to send a PM. I’d actually like to help out. Some of what the HECU do and say makes me facepalm.

Also, one thing I do know, HECU should say “Frag Out” for throwing grenades. Calling “Grenade!” is specifically reserved for incoming enemy grenades.

Hey guys,

My name is Michael Tsarouhas. I’m a voice actor who does video game voice work. I thought I’d try my hand at the HECU audition. My two most recent projects were Underhell and Insurgency.


In Underhell I voiced several characters, but the focus was on the soldiers. I wrote and voiced all the soldiers lines in accordance with HL2 combine AI, which amounted to over 3000 highly varied lines within categories like “I’m throwing a grenade” “I’m advancing on the target” “I’ve been seriously wounded” etc.

In Insurgency I voiced everybody, which included two Security team members, two Insurgent team members, Security HQ, Insurgent HQ, Insurgent bots in the coop game mode, and the instructor for the training mission. I wrote everyone except for the instructor.

Here’s my application. I’d like to hear your guys feedback. With the extra credit, I tried to make the grunts sound a little less thuggish and cruel. I always thought that aspect of them was a little ridiculous.


I really appreciated Eric’s submission!

Well done! :wink:

Whoa thanks for the great feedback everyone! Voice acting is definitely one of those things that is easier said than done… Its weird how sometimes a microphone in front of your face can subconsciously intimidate you and create subtle differences in your tone which affect the delivery of the character. But practice makes perfect! That’s what I always say.

Really enjoying checking out all the submissions so far!

Ok I have a stupid question. Why are people putting their introduction / application here in the thread? The instructions say to email the application to the dev team, so why are people offering their introductions and submissions here?

I’m getting bombarded with those WARNING emails as well.

Is it ok if I edit my voice to sound like it does when it isn’t being recorded? My voice sounds drastically different when recorded

Are you sure you’re not just unused to the sound of your own voice? Everyone hates the way the sound when they first hear themselves on tape.

Nah, when My voice is recorded, is waaay higher pitched than normal

That’s because you’re used to hearing your voice resonated through your head via your innear ears.

You got a high pitched voice dude, sorry.

What they said.

I can relate, sorreh.

If I can make a suggestion on what I think would be the best way to re create the HECU would be to get a walkie talkie.

Place walkie a couple of centimeters fairly close to the microphone. set the speaker on the walkie talkie so it is not distorting too much make sure the microphone gain is not too high but that at peak i.e. screaming you hit 0db.

push record go into another room and start voice acting down the walkie talkie.

After the recording is done the sound will need equalization, that would be to boost the lower frequencies and subdue hi-mids and some treble you may also want to lower the pitch

yes I am being serious.

Alright, sent in my audition. I was worried that little improve section I thought up while in the booth would go over a minute; turns out it was just barley in the safe zone! I also made a wet mix in 5 minutes just for the hell of it. Let me know what you guys think and what I could do to improve!

Dry Mix

Wet Mix

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