What Game Did You Play Today?

JC2MP - sometimes
Red Ace Squadron
Team Fortress 2

Over the last two days I got to Lambda Core. Hoping to finish it later today.

Played some Black Mesa, but hit some part which frustrated me and I got bored.
Tried making a mage character on Skyrim, but cannot be fucked to play through the whole game again (I already have 90 hours with my sneaky stabby guy)

I am actually not in the mood to play anything at the moment. strange.

Yesterday I played:

Black Mesa
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando HD
Left 4 Dead 2

Today I will play:
Black Mesa (and finish it!)

I’m at that point in Surface Tension where I wish that Hunted was in TF2 :frowning:

lol, I don’t understand the posts in here from the last 2 days which don’t include black mesa. WTF are you people doing on this site even?

like someone else said, I’m going through it pretty slow, savoring it. I’m surprised how little is coming back to me, it’s almost like playing a new (but oddly familiar) game, because I remember almost none of this. it is, however, exceeding my expectations.

psst. That’s because it’s not all the same.[/SIZE]

Also, I decided to go back to Planetside 2 and the game actually works now. It’s been patched and optimized although it still need alot of work I can actually play the game with a somewhat moderately-stable framerate.

I finally reached Brigadier in Halo:Reach so now I can rest easy and wait for Halo 4.
I might play some Black Mesa if I get the time to.

I finished Sleeping Dogs yesterday, after playing some Black Mesa.

I finished what we have of Black Mesa today, and played a bit of RAGE.

I am now in wait mode for Xen, and I may play Black Mesa through again before we get Xen.

But tomorrow, Borderlands 2. Probably exclusively.

Finally finished Lambda Core in Black Mesa. I’ll be working up a full review soon. Already sent a draft to the school paper, I’ll probably post a scan of it here if it makes it.

Just played through the Resident Evil 6 demo on PS3. I quite liked it, specially the Leon Kennedy campaign. Chris’ campaign seem a bit generic shooter but who knows.

Oh man, you OWN your nerdiness. I like it.

I’ve gone back to Fallout: New Vegas. I tend to get tired of Beth games after I’ve explored the entire world, though; I’m really in them for the exploration, not the questing or stories. My courier has been level 50 for a while now. I might install some mods and start a new game soon.

I’m also going to try to make time - probably this weekend - for another game of Black Mesa.

I would love it if it does

Yeah, more Black Mesa, I’m on my second playthrough on hard with skill.cfg tweaks though I’m currently stopping to actually do my college work, though I will probably take breaks in between to play more BM.

Here are all my tweaks so far - Ichy has 500 health, Agrunts have 160, better MP5 dmg, HECU do “slightly” less damage with the MP5, 15 bolts for the crossbow instead of 10, 10 tripmines instead of 5, and a slightly higher jump height)

Just started Planescape: Torment. It’s pretty cool so far. I like how the dialogue reads like a book, with descriptions and everything. From the two fights I’ve been in so far, the combat isn’t very good though. If they get better combat and make it not feel so dated, Project Eternity could be really amazing. I’m thinking of donating to it now actually.

Played a bit of Black Mesa today. I didn’t know the marines were freaking hard now… I’m at the part where you go into the elevator to the surface filled with marines. I had to replay every single room with marines like 5 times

I’ve been playing Borderlands 2 the last couple days. I wish my friends would actually use their PCs that can run these games better than their Xbox 360s, but they don’t. So I’m stuck getting every game I’d want to play with them on the 360 instead of PC :frowning:

Started a new game in Fallout: New Vegas. I added the “A World of Pain” mod (114 new locations added to the wasteland). It is marvelous so far.

Minecraft and Skyrim *Just for mods!
Soon gonna play some Sven Co-Op

The Darkness II

Gonna play some Hl2, might start (and finish) EP1 and then will play EP2. Maybe Gmod sometime and then I’ll probably start my 4th (yes I’m obsessed already) play-through of Black mesa later in the weekend.

installed DMC4, fucked around for a bit, uninstalled it. it’s easier to play super meat boy with a keyboard than this game.
in fact, i don’t play much now (except for BM), maybe only TF2.

Finished the prison mission in Thief and also the one where you have to get the Horn of Quintas. I hate zombies in this game, I really do. I was out of holy water but there were like 15 zombies that I had to repeatedly run past. The next mission seems like it won’t have anything supernatural in it, which I appreciate.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.